Violin & Fiddle Lessons

Why Play The Violin? It is more than just music.

"Learn How to think outside the box in a more creative, innovative way THROUGH VIOLIN PLAYING

Studies show that the smartest people on the planet play music, and some of our worlds forthright thinkers played the violin, including Albert Einstein and Ben Franklin.

In my groundbreaking teaching style, I show students how to look at a piece of music, think critically about it, problem-solve, and understand how to play that music without any aid from others. Students learn how to be true artists deeply connected to themselves, not playing the notes that everyone else wants them to but instead learning to be creative, out-of-the-box thinkers.

I am known in the industry as the go-to teacher if you want to become a great violinist or fiddle player and make leaps of progress in a short period of time. Students often go on to have professional playing careers, scholarships in music, and produce full music albums. Teachers come to me to study my teaching methods and apply them to their own studios because of the quality of violinists who come out of my studio.

1:1 Private Violin and Fiddle Lessons Live Online

1:1 private customized lessons with professional violinists and master teacher Katie Glumac all take place online through zoom on a set time each week.

Age Range - 4 and up

  • Ages 4-6 - Mommy and Me Classes

  • Ages 6 - 9 - Light Parent Supervision

  • Ages 9- Adult - Be as involved as you prefer.

Monthly Tuition $280 for an hour lesson scheduled once a week. 100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back in the first 30 days.

Why Learn the violin?

Does Playing The Violin Help You Have A Career in Science or Engineering?

Yes! Some of the most influential thinkers of our time also played the violin: Albert Einstein, Ben Franklin, Richard Nixon, Thomas Jefferson, and Henri Rousseau. Many say their best ideas came while playing the violin.

It has been my experience teaching adult learners who are medical doctors, engineers, architects, computer programmers, and lifelong violinists. The feedback I have received is that taking lessons furthered their careers in numerous ways, including learning critical thinking skills, having a disciplined focus growing up, and building a community of people who are focused and purpose-driven.

Will Learning The Violin Help My Child Be Smarter?

Absolutely! My first violin student (a shy middle schooler) is now a literal rocket scientist who plays the violin. Studies suggest that learning to play a musical instrument has dramatic cognitive benefits. All studies show that learning to play a musical instrument as a child raises IQ, test scores, mathematical abilities, language, and processing, literally grows brain cells and improves memory and cognition. Learning music can increase spatial awareness, heightened mental processing, and heightened problem-solving. Students who play music score higher on their SAT scores. It also teaches discipline and emotional regulation and keeps kids on a straight and narrow pathway to success. There are also numerous studies on how playing a musical instrument helps as an adult.

Will Learning The Violin Show Me  Business Leadership Skills?

Leaders innovate, think outside the box, and solve problems. Managers are people who get you to follow you because they have to. Learning the violin teaches creative problem-solving and innovative leadership skills.

Professional Development Pathway

If your dream is to become a professional musician, then having a working professional violinist who understands the industry is critical. I mentor you through how to have a successful career in music. Music industry careers begin at a very early age, as young as 13 in many cases. Having the right mentor who understands the industry is key to your success.

Life Long Journey

Learning to play the violin gives you a lifelong community of people to connect with and activities to do even when you are 90, and it helps give you focus and attention.


How Do I Sign Up?

Schedule your free consultation. We will discuss the program, answer any questions you may have, and determine if it is a good fit for both of us moving forward.

As a parent, I know nothing about music. Do I need to know anything?

No musical knowledge is needed. During the free consultation, we talk through how you can help your child be the most successful.

Aren’t Violins Expensive?

Yes, violins can be very expensive. But you may not need an expensive one if you are starting out. I always recommend renting until you understand what artistic sound you want out of your instrument and then buy.

Do online lessons work just as well as in-person lessons?

Yes. Online lessons work just as well as learning to play the violin in most cases. There are some rare exceptions where it does not work well, but generally, there is not much of a difference.

Can Adults Learn Too?

Yes. I love working with people of all ages, including adults.

What about auditioning for a music scholarship in college?

A career in music or not, I help students get full-ride music scholarships to top schools.

What Do Students Learn in Lessons?

Students learn how to play the violin at an expert level, including tuning the instrument, reading notes, playing technique, advanced bowing, music theory, ear training, composition, improvisation, and more.

How To Get A Violin?

Getting a violin can be a complicated process. You want to avoid buying a Violin Shaped Object. I work with you to determine what size violin you need and how to pick the perfect violin for your budget.

I can’t afford lessons, do you offer help?

Yes. I have a limited number of scholarships available. I also give parents the tools they need to help pay for lessons on their own.

Can I start lessons even though I do not have a violin?

Yes, with so much information to cover, we can begin without a violin for the first few weeks.

What is the best instrument to learn to play music with?

I always recommend going with the instrument your child wants to learn. They will stick with it longer, make better progress, and continue to learn year after year.

What Style of Music Will I Learn?

Part of artist development is helping the student determine the best musical pathway forward, including musical styles. I teach in a way that allows students to play any music style that they feel fits their needs as a student

What is the right age to start violin lessons?

The younger you can start lessons, the better, as long as the student is excited and interested in playing the violin. My mommy and me program starts students as young as 4 with a willing parent who will work with their child to practice each day.

Are Lessons Fun?

Yes! We work very hard, but we have fun too.

Can two kids take lessons at the same time?

I recommend an individual lesson for each child so that they can get the most out of each lesson.